Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Artikel bahasa inggris

The Food and Beverage Merchants in Greater Jakarta Losing their income until Rp 200 billion

Bad weather that hit several regions in Indonesia have been enough to affect the food and beverage industry in this country great . For only the Greater Jakarta area , flooding is predicted to suppress a turnover of up to 25 percent .

Chairman of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association ( Gapmmi ) Adhi Lukman explained that the decline in revenue is due to the difficulty of the distribution of products from the factory to the market because it blocks the flood . Thus, the spread on the decline in consumption .

As an overall result , Adhi estimated food and beverage industry in the Greater Jakarta lost revenue to $ 200 billion per day . " In a normal situation , daily income for this region reached USD 800 billion , " he said on Tuesday ( 01/21/2014 ) .

It is not only the distribution to manufacturers of consumer , food and beverages must also bear the losses due to the distribution of raw materials from other areas are also faltered .

For example , the transport of fresh fruit and meat from Central Java , currently takes up to four days . In fact , it usually only takes half a day . " In fact, within five days , fresh raw materials will decompose in about 50 percent " he said .

It has not been calculated yet loss because the plant can not operate because the workers can not enter due to flooding , or because there is no electricity supply due to outages by PLN in some areas .

Although the loss is in sight , according to Adhi , food and beverage manufacturers will not raise their selling prices . Because this problem is only temporary .

The conclusion is :
The merchants in the Greater Jakarta suffered huge losses to the RP 200 billion , this happens because the food and drinks they sell bearing the cost distribution process faltered , so that their goods rotten and broken , is caused by the disaster flash floods

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