Rabu, 30 April 2014

Karangan Bahasa Inggris


In a family , there is an old man who lives with son, daughter and a grandson . The old man had blurred vision . He already can not hear well . Knees began to tremble .
If he was sitting at the table eating , he can no longer hold a spoon . Sometimes he forgot anyway soup on the tablecloth . From the mouth is always the soup further outflows .

Boys and her daughter was disgusted with it . Therefore, the old man finally sat alone in a corner , behind a stove fire . They fed only with a small bowl . He often does not get enough to eat and drink and of course he still
hungry and thirsty . He sees what is on the dinner table with a sad , tears come out next .

One time an old fingers could no longer hold the bowl . The bowl fell and broke . Daughter-in cursing and berating . But the old man did not speak at all .he let
it all happened . Then her law it bought a plate made
​​of wood with a price that is not too expensive . Now with a wooden plate that the old man must eat . This wooden plate can make the old man more calm because it can notrupture .

One dayhis grandsonwhowas four years oldto collectlogson the ground.

"What are you do, boy?" Said his father .

" I 'm making a wooden plate , " his son replied innocently , " the father and mother of this plate will eat , if I had a big future . "

A moment later the father and mother looked at each other and they began to cry . Since the incident they always bolster the old grandfather to the table , to eat together . If he is hungry or thirsty , they immediately brought food and drink for him . They did not say anything , when little food or drink spilled onto the floor .

Hopefully this story can be a reminder to us , that no matter how annoying , frustrating and even worse than the way we feel about our parents ..... please know that they are the one who has given birth to us.

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